Sitemap - 2023 - The Pole

What if you can't afford to be yourself? | #40

Want to achieve your goals with me? | #39

should you be innovative? or do what works? | #38

The video that changed how I think about making money | #37

My biggest personality changes over the years | #36

Virality: is it a little too easy to be true? | #35

My call with a YouTuber with 2 million subscribers | #34

how to love yourself and others: some experiments and results | #33

How to not blow off your hobbies | #32

What dating stereotypes can teach us about happiness | #31

Permission to be Not Good Yet | #30

The annoying parts of creativity | #29

How to become creative (and figure out who you are) | #28

Over-optimism and eating frogs | #27

Getting serious: a 1,000 day challenge | #26

Confidence is downstream of attention | #25

How to do good work and give good advice | #24

If you're not succeeding, try being earnest | #23

Help me plan my life | #22

26 things I've learned as a software engineer, grad student, data analyst, video editor, and animation student | #21

You didn't want it bad enough. Is it that simple? | #20

6 lessons from learning to dance | #19

Optimizing your dating profile, but remaining "authentic" | #18

Can you be vulnerable and win? | #17

Good Vulnerability, Bad Vulnerability | #16

Learning to see better by learning to unsee | #15

How to approach learning part 2: videos are superior unless you're an expert (or just searching) | #14

How to approach learning part 1: the academic route vs the hacker route | #13

Why video > written content for learning technical subjects | #12

I want to save you from frustration, using YouTube | #11

Are you solving the right problem? | #10

Why nerds hate marketing (and why NY Resolutions are bubbles) | #9

Making "Tell me about yourself" Great Again | #8

You can't understand what you can't name | #7

Are art and business mutually exclusive? | #6

Should you listen to your audience? | #5

Why doesn't my boss (or employee) make better decisions? | #4

How to (selfishly) make great educational content | #3

My YouTube/Website Business Strategy | #2